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Oklahoma senators will convene for votes on Stitt's third OSU board nominee, new pro tem elect

From left to right, Republican Senators Ally Seifried, Adam Pugh, Dewayne Pemberton and Kristen Thompson stand ready to talk about their education priorities for the 2024 legislative session, Jan. 31, 2024, in a press room at the Oklahoma State Capitol. All four senators are members of the Senate Education Committee.
Lionel Ramos
From left to right, Republican Senators Ally Seifried, Adam Pugh, Dewayne Pemberton and Kristen Thompson stand ready to talk about their education priorities for the 2024 legislative session, Jan. 31, 2024, in a press room at the Oklahoma State Capitol. All four senators are members of the Senate Education Committee and will vet Jennifer Callahan before choosing whether to advance her confirmation to the full Senate for a vote.

Oklahoma state senators are considering Gov. Kevin Stitt’s third nominee for the OSU Board of Regents next month and selecting a new Senate President Pro Temp for the next legislative session.

Hoping the third time may be the charm, Stitt rescinded his nomination of Mike Holder for the OSU/A&M Board of Regents last week and proposed Oklahoma City attorney Jennifer Callahan for the Senate to consider instead.

Senate Pro Tem Greg Treat’s spokesperson, Alex Gerszewski, notified reporters of the plan in an email sent Tuesday.

“The Senate Education Committee will begin meeting Monday, July 15 at 10 a.m. to hear the nomination of Jennifer Callahan to the OSU Board of Regents,” wrote Gerszewski. “Assuming the Senate Education Committee approves the nomination, the plan is to then vote on her nomination on the floor.”

The move came after the Senate met for a special session earlier this month and adjourned in less than 10 minutes without voting on Stitt’s last nominee, whose expertise and relevance to the role was questioned by lawmakers.

Callahan’s legal focus at Oklahoma City-based McAfee and Taft is on governance and taxation issues for both public and private sectors, according to her bio page. She also leads the firm’s Agriculture and Equine Industry Group.

The same day they consider Callahan, the Senate's Republican Caucus will meet internally to vote on their next Pro Tem, as their last choice, Ada Republican Sen. Greg McCortney, lost his reelection bid during this month’s primaries.

Fellow Ada resident Jonathan Wingard beat McCortney by 262 votes. The victory means Treat’s pick for a successor is no longer an option.

The regular session starts again next February, but if Treat wants any say in who follows him as the Senate’s top leader, he’ll have to get his Caucus to vote on a pro tem-elect before the legislature is markedly more conservative than before and more likely to choose someone with different priorities.

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Lionel Ramos covers state government at KOSU. He joined the station in January 2024.
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