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Headlines: Winter weather preparation, gubernatorial fund raising & Thunder comeback win

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Local headlines for Tuesday, February 1, 2022

State prepares for winter weather. (Tulsa World)

Regulators shut down disposal wells in northern Oklahoma after earthquake. (Tulsa World)

Burn ban extended in Oklahoma County. (NewsOK)

123 new COVID-19 fatalities bring Oklahoma’s Provisional Death Count to 13,333. (KOSU)

Survey shows high stress levels in schools. (NewsOK)

COVID-19 rises again in long-term care facilities. (Oklahoma Watch)

Free N95 masks hit stores. (Tulsa World)

New bill puts all charter schools under one agency. (KOSU)

Oklahoma Congressional delegation seeks funding for tribes amid McGirt. (NewsOK)

Hofmeister trails Stitt in fund raising. (Tulsa World)

OKC mayoral candidates answer questions as election looms. (Journal Record)

Four candidates vie for Catoosa School Board seat. (Tulsa World)

Mount St. Mary students plan walkout over sexual abuse. (NewsOK)

Foster care reforms on track. (Tulsa World)

Thousands of Oklahoma jobs at risk of automation. (Journal Record)

OKC not keeping up with Hispanic home buying. (NewsOK)

Rural air pollution might be as great as cities. (KOSU)

Thunder snaps losing streak. (NewsOK)

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