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Overwhelmed Oklahoma City Animal Shelter asks public for help

OKC Animal Welfare

Oklahoma City’s animal shelter is overwhelmed.

The Oklahoma City Animal Shelter reached capacity in June, with more than 400 dogs and 200 cats. Now, the shelter is limiting its daily intake to 30 cats and 20 dogs. When kennels become overcrowded, the shelter euthanizes animals as a last resort.

Superintendent of Oklahoma City Animal Welfare Jon Gary told Fox 25 that people who find stray animals or no longer want their pet should only bring them to the shelter as a last resort. Instead, they should try to find the owner or rehome the pet themselves.

He also urged pet owners to take advantage of a free city service.

“If you’re an Oklahoma City resident, we will spay or neuter your dog or cat for free,” Gary said.

Thanks to donations from Nexus Pets, Arnall Community Funds and the Oklahoma City Community Foundation, the shelter is also waiving adoption fees for dogs until August 1.

Last spring, the shelter also experienced major overcrowding due to an outbreak of dog flu and a freeze on intakes.

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Cait Kelley is a summer intern at KOSU through the Scripps Howard Fund summer internship program.
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