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Headlines: Ryan Walters mandates bibles, OKC Olympic events & Fourth of July safety

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Local headlines for Friday, June 28, 2024

Superintendent Ryan Walters orders bibles taught in all classrooms. (Oklahoma Voice)

Walter’s chief policy advisor leaves “ghost” notes for reporters. (Tulsa World)

Board of Education suspends license of Kingfisher coach. (NewsOK)

BOE also suspends license of former Norman teacher. (NewsOK)

Catholic leaders signal appeal over a failed charter school. (Tulsa World)

Oklahoma executes a man in a 40-year-old murder. (KOSU)

48-year-old case against wrongly accused man gets formally dismisses. (NewsOK)

Judge accused of drive-by shooting now faces sexual assault charges. (NewsOK)

Gunfire results in courtroom access restriction. (Tulsa World)

The state’s battle over poultry pollution could be coming to an end. (Tulsa World)

OKC plans to host sporting events for the 2028 election. (NewsOK)

Tulsa School leaders tout success in attendance and suspension numbers. (Tulsa World)

Educators in Greenwood work to teach about the area’s past. (KOSU)

Oklahoma Broadband Office wants to connect more people to the Internet. (KOSU)

“Fancy Dance” film shot in Oklahoma begins streaming today. (NewsOK)

Citizen Potawatomi Nation gathers for its family reunion this weekend. (KOSU)

Tips on how to stay safe during the upcoming Fourth of July festivities. (KOSU)

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