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Headlines: Catholic charter school, college tuition increases & Thunder draft

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Local headlines for Thursday, June 27, 2024

Board meeting on Friday to discuss unconstitutional Catholic charter school. (Tulsa World)

A southeast Oklahoma hospital faces closure after a Supreme Court ruling. (KOSU)

Judge tosses challenge by incumbent lawmaker over primary loss. (Tulsa World)

Del City leaders seek investigation of Oklahoma County Commissioner. (NewsOK)

Law enforcement wrestles with the realities of Oklahoma’s illegal immigration law. (KOSU)

A second Tulsa juvenile detention officer faces sexual assault charges. (KOSU)

State gets ready for execution of man in 40-year-old murder. (KOSU)

Authorities are investigating shots fired outside Tulsa’s federal courthouse. (Tulsa World)

Group makes deal with state to keep Lawton prison open. (KOSU)

Overnight severe weather leaves thousands without power. (NewsOK)

NE Oklahoma deals with dangerous heat following storms. (Tulsa World)

Oklahoma public colleges and universities request tuition increases. (Oklahoma Voice)

Broken Arrow and Union schools approve pay increases. (Tulsa World)

Oklahoma City voters could decide on light rail to the airport. (NewsOK)

Department of Human Services releases a plan to deal with state’s aging issue. (KOSU)

OKC’s Animal Shelter is facing overwhelming numbers. (KOSU)

OKC Pride parade loses sponsors after supporting Palestine. (NewsOK)

An organization is helping indigenous LGBTQ youth. (KOSU)

OKC Thunder gets ready for next season in last night’s NBA draft. (NewsOK)

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